Instructor, , Department of Pediatrics, Heme/Onc and Bone Marrow Transplantation

University of Colorado, School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado
13123 E 16th Avenue, B-115
Aurora, CO 80045

Selected Bibliography:

Kuldanek S, Silliman CC.
Mortality after red blood cell transfusions from previously pregnant donors: complexities in the interpretation of large data.
J Thorac Dis. 2018;10(2):648-652. PubMed abstract / Full Text

Kuldanek SA, Kelher M, Silliman CC.
Risk factors, management and prevention of transfusion-related acute lung injury: a comprehensive update.
Expert Rev Hematol. 2019;12(9):773-785. PubMed abstract / Full Text

Hernandez G, Mills TS, Rabe JL, Chavez JS, Kuldanek S, Kirkpatrick G, Noetzli L, Jubair WK, Zanche M, Myers JR, Stevens BM, Fleenor CJ, Adane B, Dinarello CA, Ashton J, Jordan CT, Di Paola J, Hagman JR, Holers VM, Kuhn KA, Pietras EM.
Pro-inflammatory cytokine blockade attenuates myeloid expansion in a murine model of rheumatoid arthritis.
Haematologica. 2020;105(3):585-597. PubMed abstract / Full Text